BASIC $954+
Graphics : Integrated Graphics
Processor : Intel Core i3 - 14100
Memory : 8GB DDR4
Storage : 480GB NVMe SSD
Motherboard : H610 mATX
STANDARD $1,001+
Graphics : Integrated Graphics
Processor : Intel Core i5 - 14400
Memory : 8GB DDR4
Storage : 1TB NVMe SSD
Motherboard : H610 mATX
POWER $1,449+
Graphics : Integrated Graphics
Processor : Intel Core i7 - 14700
Memory : 16GB DDR4
Storage : 1TB NVMe SSD
Motherboard : H610 mATX
BASIC $984+
Graphics : GeFroce GT 710 2GB
Processor : AMD RYZEN 3
Memory : 8GB DDR4
Storage : 480GB SSD
Motherboard : B550M mATX
STANDARD $1,020+
Graphics : Integrated Graphics
Processor : AMD Ryzen 5
Memory : 8GB DDR4
Storage : 1TB NVMe SSD
Motherboard : B550M mATX
POWER $1,102+
Graphics : Integrated Graphics
Processor : AMD Ryzen 7
Memory : 16GB DDR4
Storage : 1TB SSD M.2
Motherboard : B550M mATX
Standard Mini $1,193+
Graphics : Intel Integrated Graphics
Processor : i5 - 120U
Memory : 16GB DDR5
Storage : 480GB NVMe SSD
Motherboard : NUC
Power Mini $1,379+
Graphics : Intel Integreated Graphics
Processor : i7 - 150U
Memory : 16GB DDR5
Storage : 1TB NVMe SSD
Motherboard : NUC

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